5 Remedies From Your Kitchen To Remove Acne Scars Fast

Hate being called "crater face" or "pizza face" because of the scars on your face left behind by acne? Apprehensive seeing a doctor to get the scars treated fearing the bills and the fact that there is no guarantee that the scars will vanish? Well then the following home remedies may prove just right for you.
Lemon Juice
It helps a great deal in lightening the skin and reducing redness that is caused by the acne. Using lemon juice to get rid of the scars is a child's play. You simply have to squeeze the juice of a lemon and apply it on the scars either with a cotton ball or your fingers. Once applied, let it act for 10 minutes before you wash it off. You will start seeing the results by doing this once a day for a few weeks. A word of caution however, is that lemon juice renders your skin sensitive to the sun. So stay away from sunlight as much as possible and apply a sunscreen when you do step out.
This is another naturally occurring substance that can be used to treat acne scars. There are various ways to use it. One is you can apply honey to the scars and leave it overnight. Another way is to mix two tablespoons of honey with ¼ cup of oatmeal and apply the mixture to the scars for 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off. Or else, you can mix ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a tablespoon of honey and apply it to the scars. This can be left for an hour or even overnight.
Baking soda
Almost every kitchen has this ingredient present in it and it is quite easy to use it to treat acne scars. Just mix the baking soda with a little water to make a paste that can be applied to the scars. Wash the face with warm water after a few minutes and apply a moisturizer. Do this for two or three times every week and you will start seeing the difference.
Essential oils
Applying essential oils to the affected parts has also proved quite effective in treating acne scars. Chamomile and lavender oils contain skin healing properties that help in getting rid of the scars. Simply apply a few drops on the scars and you will begin seeing the difference in a few weeks.
Vitamin E
A naturally known antioxidant, vitamin E can help fade the scars faster. Simply prick the capsule containing the vitamin E and apply the contents on the scars. You will see your skin turning better and healthier with regular use.
Check out more skin care tips at http://www.medicalhelpguide.com/skin-care/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9099034

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