Causes of Childhood Obesity and Diabetes

Based on childhood obesity statistics, the First Lady has very high concerns for childhood obesity in America. If you read the newspapers, you may have seen the headline "Michelle Obama Says: Childhood Obesity a National Security Threat." This has led to much concern for childhood obesity prevention.

Childhood obesity causes might surprise you, for there are many reasons that children are in need of weight loss. One of the childhood obesity facts that might not be apparent to many is that it is the number one health crisis among children. The childhood obesity statistics clearly show that a majority of young people weigh 20% or more than normal for their height.

obese-television.jpgChildhood Obesity Facts

1. Parental neglect is a contributing factor to childhood obesity. Neglect in this case can be in the form of not watching what a child eats or constantly supplying the wrong types of food. Another way that parents neglect their children is by allowing them to sit too much and not exercise.

2. Too many televisions in the house are another contributor to childhood obesity statistics. Every family member seems to have a television so they all can watch exactly what they want every waking hour of the day. Childhood obesity causes stem from inactivity and overeating, and they are both encouraged by watching television.

3. Fast foods should rank at the top of childhood obesity causes. It has long been known that sugars and fats are packed into the chicken, burgers, soft drinks, and fries that are so readily available in fast food restaurants.
What Can Be Done Toward Weight Loss in Children?

Childhood obesity facts point directly to the lifestyles all parents not only lead but allow their children to lead, too. If America is to do anything about weight loss in children, it must begin at the parental level.

When babies are fat, no one is concerned about their weight loss because it is considered healthy for babies to be chubby. The problem arises because parents never consider children to be anything but babies until they have already developed bad habits. One childhood obesity fact that is abundantly clear is that parents do not know how to say "no" to many of the things that lead to childhood obesity statistics.

The school system has become a heavy contributor to childhood obesity causes. They may offer some healthy food choices, but children aren't going to opt for those when they can have pizza, burgers, sugar filled sodas, and fries. Considering the opportunities children have for bad foods, it is no wonder they reach maturity without understanding about proper nutrition.

Promoting Healthier Lifestyle Habits

Eating healthier and exercising more are the prime contributors to weight loss for both children and their parents. Children learn what they live, so the earlier parents start teaching kids about proper nutrition and exercise, the more likely they will be to carry those habits on into adulthood and lead healthier lives.

About the Author

Max Buddenbrock
Mini Pharmacy is a family-owned-and-operated diabetic testing supplies business providing convenient home delivery prescription services... 
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